Esports CTE Challenges
MOSEF understands the importance of recognizing the contributions of the support staff in our schools’ organizations, and has combined that desire with a competition to develop the career interests of our students.
The 2024-25 MOSEF Esports CTE Challenges are designed to allow students to showcase their work while learning more about their future career field!
Each challenge includes a six-step documentation process:
Background: career exploration
Research: project specifics
Analyze: practical logistics
Plan: make the decisions
Develop: implementation
Reflect: review how it went
Educator resources are available for each field! Entry is free.
The winner of each contest and their coach will have the opportunity for a call with a professional mentor to review their work and to ask questions about the industry.
Winning work will be showcased at the MOSEF state finals or featured on the MOSEF website.
For more information, contact us!
Challenge Overview
Event Planning
The rapid growth of esports at the high school level means it’s much easier to host regional in-person events at a location that’s geographically accessible. But these events are still a lot of work! Your task is to create a one-day in-person regional tournament for our season titles.
Due dates: November 3, 2024 / April 13, 2025
Graphic Design
Create the look for a MOSEF Season! This is an opportunity for a student to create MOSEF’s 2024-25 competitive fall and spring season design packages. The design will be used on merchandise, promotions, and stream packages.
Due dates: September 29, 2024 / February 23, 2025
No stream is complete without the perfect stream package! Your task is to design a stream package for the MOSEF Fall Brawl, Winter Bash, and Spring Showdown.
Due dates: October 27, 2024 / December 15, 2024 / March 23, 2025
Health and Wellness
Though an esports athlete isn’t likely to suffer a concussion or a broken bone from playing in a match, debilitating injury is still a possibility for a gamer who doesn’t prepare. Additionally, a constantly sedentary lifestyle isn’t good for anyone! Your task is to design a health and wellness routine for your team.
Due date: November 24, 2024
Part of sharing your team with your fan base is making sure they are able to connect with them as more than just a series of games on a screen. Your task is to write three articles covering three weeks of news and/or events for your school’s esports team.
Due date: February 16, 2025
Networking and Troubleshooting
For a new scholastic esports program, one of the main roadblocks is getting all of the machines running all of the games. After that, your team has to keep all of the peripherals working while playing, and streaming, and competing for available outlets and jacks and bandwidth with the team on the other side of the lab. Your task is to create a manual for new esports programs describing the requirements for MOSEF’s competitive titles.
Due date: September 22, 2024
Esports and Discord go hand in hand. You can find a bot for almost every task you can think of in your server… but what about the ones you can’t? Your task is to identify a need in an esports Discord server and create a bot to fill it.
Due date: April 27, 2025
While family and friends are always excited to watch their favorite team play, they might not always understand what’s happening in the game. Shoutcasters can provide both a personalization of the events on the screen and an explanation of the technical details. Your task is to shoutcast for one of your school’s MOSEF matches and submit the recording.
Due dates: October 27, 2024 / January 12, 2025 / March 23, 2025
Video Editing
The first impression many potential fans get of a streamer or esports organization is their stream branding. As a content creator, you might be asked to develop an intro for client videos (or your own!) that will catch attention as well as accurately depict the brand’s desired overall image. Your task is to create a video intro for your team’s streams and on-demand content.
Due date: March 30, 2025
VOD Review
An important part of playing a game is analyzing how it went with the team afterward, and creating a practice plan and strategy based on that information. Your task is to record a VOD review for your MOSEF team that follows the detailed requirements.
Due date: October 20, 2025